Trade the global markets
Access 1000+ instruments with ultra-low spreads and lightning speed execution
Trading is risky.
Markets to trade
Stock CFDs
Enter long and short positions on individual companies from the world's major stock exchanges, including NASDAQ, NYSE and HKEX.
Read moreCommodities
Discover trading opportunities in some of the largest oil and natural gas markets. Trade Crude or Brent oil, and Natural Gas prices.
Read moreCryptocurrencies
Find opportunities in the world’s most volatile markets. Trade bitcoin, ether, ripple and more.
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Contract specificationsاحصل على أسعار حية لأسواقك المفضلة
الأداه |
سعر العرض | سعر الطلب | فرق الاسعار | التغييرات |
1.02687 | 1.02705 | 1.8 | |
1.21668 | 1.21689 | 2.1 | |
156.283 | 156.307 | 2.4 | |
2630.99 | 2632.64 | 16.5 | |
2702.63 | 2702.84 | 2.1 |
Some of the prime trading instruments available on FXTM are Currencies, Stocks, Indices and Commodities. Each of them are wholly unique assets, most of them are offered in the form of CFDs and they all offer various ways of getting involved in the investing world. We display them all on this page, so scroll back up to check them out for more information.
A tradable instrument is a kind of asset that you can buy. These assets can be anything from shares in a business, to precious metals like gold and commodities like Crude Oil. Instruments aren't exclusive to physical assets either; they can include indices and CFDs, which are more virtual and speculative.
The best trading instrument largely depends on how you intend to invest. Instruments like Commodities and Forex tend to be more volatile with the highest risk and reward ratio.
When you register with FXTM, you can access a vast library of instruments to build up your portfolio. Instruments you can trade include: Forex, Commodities, Metals, Stocks, Indices, and Stock CFDs.
FXTM prides itself on a superb industry reputation among its peers and customers. Fully regulated by the Financial Services Commission of the Republic of Mauritius, FXTM offers a highly competitive range of trading instruments, along with ulta-low spreads and prices on assets letting our customers take their portfolios further.
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