Trading Videos
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When Should Traders Buy or Sell?
In order to better follow the tips above, it is always recommended that you have defined strategy. Figuring out when you will enter and exit a trade is a prerequisite before you open a live position. Randomly buying or selling a currency pair with no set plan is unlikely to be beneficial, and may well be more stressful. You also won't be able to assess your performance productively as you have no set rules. Only by identifying and sticking to a strategy can you hope to potentially achieve long-term success.
What is your Balance?
When trading, the balance refers to the amount of money a trader has in their trading account. However, it’s important to remember that this amount does not include any profits or losses a trader might have from any open positions. If a trader has an open position, his or her balance might change depending on the losses or profits he or she has made once the trade (or part of the trade) is closed. A trader’s balance is located in different sections on the trading platform, depending on whether the trader is using the MT4 or the MT5 platform.
What Is Stop Loss Order
Apart from Take Profit, an equally important pre-calculated price level used by traders today is called Stop Loss. As the name suggests, this is a type of pending order that allows the trader to set a...
What Is Stop Loss Order
Además del Take Profit, un nivel de precios precalculado igualmente importante que utilizan los traders hoy en día se llama Stop Loss. Como sugiere el nombre, este es un tipo de orden pendiente que pe...
What Is Spread?
A spread is the difference between the ask price and the bid price. In other words, it is the cost of trading. For example, if the Euro to US dollar is trading with an ask price of 1.14010 and a bid p...
¿Qué es la Propagación?
Un diferencial es la diferencia entre el precio de venta y el precio de oferta. En otras palabras, es el costo del comercio. Por ejemplo, si el euro frente al dólar estadounidense se negocia con un pr...
What Is Sell Stop Limit Video
Now that we know what Buy Stop Limit is, it’s only natural to talk about its selling counterpart. The pending order called “Sell Stop Limit” combines Sell Stop and Sell Limit orders, and is currently ...
What Is Range In Forex Trading?
We’ve gone through both uptrend and downtrend, so now let’s look at an example of when the market isn’t going up or down. When the market appears to be ‘trending’ sideways, we call this a range. In fa...