European Central Bank
“Buy on the cannons, sell on the trumpets”?
30 MAR clock 15:25

“Buy on the cannons, sell on the trumpets”?

This well-worn phrase is meant to go back to the early 1800s and is attributed to London financier Lord Rothschild which suggests that the start of a war is a good time to invest in the stock market. Conversely, the end of a war is a good time to sell.
Week Ahead: EU inflation and US jobs report to sway EURUSD
25 MAR clock 09:53

Week Ahead: EU inflation and US jobs report to sway EURUSD

Of course, global financial markets will continue monitoring the latest developments surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war, and whether Putin or the Western allies will escalate this crisis and darken the global economic outlook.
EURUSD could rock when clock strikes 13:30GMT
10 MAR clock 11:20

EURUSD could rock when clock strikes 13:30GMT

Get ready for a (potentially) tumultuous Thursday, especially for euro traders (which likely includes most FX traders, seeing as EURUSD is the world’s most popularly traded currency pair).