US Dollar
Trade of the Week: GBPUSD ready to rock
30 JAN clock 14:22

Trade of the Week: GBPUSD ready to rock

In recent sessions, GBPUSD has been relatively quiet, trading just below a key resistance level.
Trade of the Week: EURUSD set for rebound?
27 JAN clock 07:59

Week Ahead: EURUSD to reach cloud 9?

The world’s most-traded currency pair could reach a fresh 9-month high in the upcoming week, as markets compare the latest policy clues between the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.
Week Ahead: Dollar to falter at onset of 2023?
30 DEC clock 08:52

Week Ahead: Dollar to falter at onset of 2023?

As we make fresh resolutions (especially those that pertain to trading/investing), here's a head start on the potential opportunities ahead, starting with t
Three ‘F’ words to sum up 2022
29 DEC clock 11:16

Three ‘F’ words to sum up 2022

This year has been fraught with market volatility, to say the least. As we bid goodbye to 2022, let’s recap 3 major themes, each beginning with the letter F, that rocked major assets over the past 12 months:
Assets that can be grateful for 2022
24 NOV clock 14:18

Thanksgiving: 3 assets that can be grateful for 2022

This year has been a tumultuous one for global financial markets, to say the least.