3 potential winners in 2023
04 JAN clock 10:53

3 potential winners in 2023

The outlook for the new year is dominated by this one fear: recession.
2023 outlook
03 JAN clock 07:53

2023 Outlook: Is the worst behind us?

As we emerge out of a rough year dominated by soaring inflation, slowing global growth, heightened geopolitical risks and Covid-19, the early part of 2023 looks like it could be more of the same story.
Week Ahead: USDJPY to form bearish cross?
23 DEC clock 10:11

Week Ahead: USDJPY to form bearish cross?

The week following the Christmas weekend features sparse economic data releases and events, as markets wind down 2022.
Why is the Japanese Yen soaring?
20 DEC clock 12:46

Why is the Japanese Yen soaring?

In our latest Week Ahead article (posted on Fridays), we posed the question:
Week Ahead: Can USDJPY break below 200-day SMA?
16 DEC clock 08:02

Week Ahead: Can USDJPY break below 200-day SMA?

After the Fed, BOE and the ECB have all had their say this week, up steps the Bank of Japan over the coming week, amid these other scheduled economic data releases and events: