USDCAD: Bears are in control
23 NOV clock 12:07

USDCAD: Bears are in control

The USDCAD on the D1 time frame was in an uptrend until 13 October when a last higher top was recorded at 1.39760.
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26 OCT clock 11:53

What is Forex Trading and How Does It Work?

Take your first steps into FX trading with our comprehensive beginners guide for Forex! not sure where to start? You’re in the right place.
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24 MAR clock 15:02

Forex Trading Strategies Guide

What kind of forex trader are you? Find out the best kind of strategy for you with FXTM's forex trading strategies guide.
Couple of People Trading CFDs On A Tablet
24 MAR clock 14:51

What are CFDs?

CFD is a common acronym in the stock trading world, and a highly popular financial instrument. Learn all about CFD Trading, and how to make them a key component of your trading portfolio.